Passionate Product Leadership

Last July I attended Jeff Patton’s Passionate Product Leadership Workshop. It was a live online training course which ran for 4 days and each session was 4 hours long. Zoom and Mural were used for the workshop. It as an amazing, superb learning experience! Jeff is an excellent teacher. You can read more about him here: from this page.

I was presented with the opportunity to take this course and at first I was hesitant to take it. I was thinking how this will help me become a better Agile Coach. Fortunately, I have a great mentor, Daniel my boss, who reminded me of my aspiration to be an “enterprise level” coach. And so I took the course and I learned how to help my company be better in the area of Product Leadership. I engaged more with the Product Managers and shared what I have learned to everyone in the company: from Development Teams to our Marketing Team and to the Customer Success department as well

Key Takeaways from the Workshop

There are three important questions that everyone involved in product development should be asking at every step of the process:

  • Is it valuable?
  • Is it feasible?
  • Is it usable?

Anytime you do not have a satisfactory answer to any of these questions, you should be thinking and discussing a change in your plans. Anytime your team spends significant time arguing about any of these questions, you should pause and rethink your strategy.

The answers to these questions come from different perspectives on the product. This leads to the next key takeaway, it is good to have a triad of leaders in product development. The triad consists of: a leader on the business side of product management, a technology leader, and a user experience leader. Actually it doesn’t have to be a trio of leaders, this could take form as a “core product team” consisting of people who collaborate to make decisions.

To make smart decisions, the Core Product Team needs all the valuable inputs it can use. Another key takeaway is, everyone contributes what they can to the product development process. Silos should be broken down and collaboration among people from different departments should be encouraged. Product Managers should not lock themselves in a room while they “design the product and write specifications”. Development teams should not just wait to be handed requirements before they contribute to the product.

More to come…

I have more learnings to share and I will do so in other posts. I am grateful to have attended Jeff Patton’s workshop and I am eagerly sharing and applying what I have learned. Without a doubt, the knowledge and wisdom I have gained is helping me become a better Agile Coach.

Thoughts on Asynchronous Communication

Lately I have been reading about Asynchronous Communication. It is an interesting topic to me because it plays an importantly role in working remotely. What is Asynchronous Communication? Here is a definition I really like:

Asynchronous communication is the art of communicating and moving projects forward without the need for additional stakeholders to be available at the same time your communique is sent.

Embracing Asynchronous Communication by GitLab

Examples of Asynchronous Communication

A number of activities we do regularly, falls into the category of Asynchronous Communication. In addition, advancements in technology have been making them easier to do. We do these activities to avoid long and draining meetings, control our focus, manage timezone differences, and work with more flexibility in how we allocate our working hours.

Collaborating in Documents

Google has made it easy for us to share documents with others. Software like Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Slides, make it easy for us to help one another in writing documents. These tools allow us to give others, editor or commenter access to documents we share with them. This is one form of Asynchronous Communication.

We do this when we want to get feedback for what we have written. We share the document and grant commenter privileges and our colleagues can read it at their own time and post comments on the document for us. We do not need to come together for a meeting, we just set expectations on when we want to get the feedback.

We do this when we write a document together with our co-workers. We share edit privileges and everyone contributes to the content being written. Again, we do not have to be in a meeting to do this together. Each contributor takes the responsibility of reading what has been written so far, checking the history of the document, editing what they want to change, and adding more content. Each person can do this at their own pace just as long as it falls within the expectations of the group on when they want to finish the document. In other cases, writing may never be “done”, the document evolves over time.


Chatting can be a form of Asynchronous Communication. When you send a message with the expectation that it is ok if the recipient does not respond immediately, that is Asynchronous Communication. Sometimes people would also say that they are busy and they will get back to the chat message as soon as they can. This century, chatting has become a natural form of communication for everyone.

An important behavior to develop is managing when we respond to chats. You can manage the way you are notified by your chat tools. Working agreements can be set to have a shared understanding about responding to chats. You can set the appropriate status (like busy) in your profile. It is very important as well to just have only one chat tool used by the company / organization. You don’t want the burden of using and managing multiple tools.


I think it is unfortunate how email got a bad rep over the years. It doesn’t help that the marketing for collaboration tools commonly say “they should replace email”, “better than email”, “don’t bother with emails”. I consider email to still be an important form of Asynchronous Communication. I think if you manage your inbox properly you can leverage the advantages of using email.

I find emails helpful in collaborating on straightforward tasks or mini-projects. One recent experience I have in using emails for this kind of effort, is when my fellow Agile Coach and I were tasked with finding a good online Kanban tool. Our boss gave us the details of the task and instructions in an email. We did not have questions because it was all clear and the criteria for a “good tool” were well-defined. We were also given candidates to look at. I responded thru email to accept the task and give an estimate of how long it will take me to finish my assessment. My fellow Agile Coach responded in the same way. The next email we sent individually included the results of our assessments. From the results there was clearly a winner among the tools and we have made our pick. We did not meet, we just exchanged emails.

Training Videos

For teaching and sharing knowledge, training videos have become indispensable. The investment in making the videos can easily be paid off by the reusability of the training provided by the videos. It feels good when you have control over how you go through the training sessions. When you feel you need to review a part of the training, you can just rewatch it. Sure you lose the ability to interact with the trainer and other participants but most of the time you don’t need that. Most of the time you just need to digest the knowledge from the videos and apply it in your work. For internal trainings, the trainers could make time for conversations with the participants easily as they work together.

Pros and Cons of Asynchronous Communication

Let’s start with a list of advantages first:

  • You can manage when you would allocate the time to digest information and make a response – as long as it is within the agreed expectations of people you work with
  • You can avoid unnecessary meetings, freeing you from scheduling challenges and conflicts
  • You can avoid disruptions – for you, as well as for your colleagues
  • You have a recorded history of changes and exchanges, most tools you would use for Asynchronous Communication provides this feature

And then here are some disadvantages I can think of:

  • Things will “fall through the cracks“ if you and your workmates don’t have discipline to follow-through with agreements on Asynchronous Communication
  • You might misuse Asynchronous Communication
  • Requires managing and organizing of numerous files, online resources, and tools
  • You may forget to respond, participate and provide feedback

The disadvantages I listed can be overcome if you and your colleagues have a shared understanding of working agreements, ownership for the success of your group, and a great sense of responsibility.

Closing thoughts

There are many other forms of Asynchronous Communication besides the ones I have discussed here in this post. The ones I wrote about are the forms I commonly use. Perhaps on another post I’ll talk about the other forms I know of.

Asynchronous Communication does not mean to eliminate meetings. It helps us in avoiding unnecessary meetings and saving time and effort. It makes us ask if we really a need a meeting, and consider other forms of communication which may be better suited for the need that we have.

The Daily Grind Of A Work From Home Agile Team Coach

I am an Agile Team Coach working from home and this is how my day at work usually goes.  We follow the US Eastern Time and that means that here in the Philippines, I work from 8 pm to 3 am then I fill-up the 8 hours of work at 10 am to 12 noon.


8 – 9

  • Check email
  • Check BambooHR for HR announcements and see who is on leave for the day (also checks to see who has work anniversaries and birthdays so I can greet them)
  • Look at the Kanban boards on our instance of LeanKit, make observation and notes which I bring up during the standup meetings or saved for a retrospective meeting.
  • Read blogs about Agile, Software Development, Scrum, Kanban, Testing, and any topics which I think might help me become a better coach or might be useful for the teams I serve. I usually read blogs from Mike Cohn and Dzone.
  • On some days I would look at the team metrics we are observing.  These are usually flow metrics: team throughput along with cycle time, cumulative flow diagram, distribution of Kanban card types (new feature, defect, tech debt, etc.)
  • On weeks when there is a retrospective meeting, I would spend time preparing for that meeting: reviewing notes, reviewing action items, preparing retro docs we use, compiling metrics we observe.

9 – 10

  • Facilitate standup meetings.  I have two standup meetings during this time slot.
  • In between meetings I would prepare my cup of coffee for the day, chat with teammates – have virtual watercooler conversations, continue reading some blogs, and watch short YouTube clips.

10 – 12

  • This is when most of the team meetings happen.
  • During this time I am usually busy facilitating various meetings : Planning / Commitment, Retrospective, Backlog Grooming, Demo, Knowledge Sharing, Brainstorming
  • On some days, when there are no team meetings, I would schedule 1-1 meetings with team members during this time. These conversations allow me to provide coaching and mentoring as needed.

12 – 1

  • Lunch break!  Technically it is time for a midnight snack because it is 12 am, but I do eat lunch at this time. Can’t work well with an empty stomach!
  • I usually watch something on Netflix while eating. And after eating I would watch some more, build a Lego set, play video games.
  • On some days I would spend lunch time chatting with people from work. Some days we would have group discussions, on chat or on a call. This takes the place of conversations you usually have with people while eating lunch.

1 – 3

  • Prepare for meetings I facilitate. Includes: understanding the goal of the meeting, understanding the context, preparing docs needed, preparing questions to ask, talking with participants to learn more about the context and their expectations and concerns
  • Attend webinars. It’s great that the usual webinars I watch are held at 1 pm US EST.  Most of the webinars I attend are organized by the Scrum Alliance.
  • Do online training courses.  I take courses offered at Front Row Agile and Pluralsight.
  • Read a book about being Agile.  I am currently reading “Real World Agility: A Practical Guide for Agile Practitioners” by Daniel James Gullo.

Other Activities

For my other work hours I do continuous improvement activities such as online trainings, reading articles or blogs, or reading books.  One of the perks of working at home is that it gives you more flexibility in how you manage the use of your time.

Sometimes I get to attend local conferences and trainings.  For these events I would have to adjust to following Philippine time.  It would be like having jet lag without getting on a plane.  Haha!

Once a month I would attend the Agile Philippines monthly meet-up.  It’s a great learning experience and a good break from the daily routine.

It takes a great deal of self-management and discipline to be able to work effectively while at home.  Being Agile adds to the challenge and while it may seem like a futile effort, you can be Agile and your team can be Agile while working remotely.



Great Practices for Remote Work

I’m preparing to share about the topic of “Great Practices for Working Remotely” in an internal webinar for our company and I though it would also be good if I can write a blog post and share the tips and tricks here.

I have been working from home for about 7 years now and I believe I have been doing great given the good feedback regarding my performance from bosses I have worked with and also the opportunities I have been presented with.

Here are some tips and tricks I have learned over the years.  Most of them are self-explanatory so I won’t make this blog longer than it needs to be by yapping away to explain something obvious.


Tips and Tricks

  • Make sure you have a good internet connection.
  • Set up your home office.
  • Know your timezone differences.
  • Know the work schedules of your colleagues.
  • Know where to find contact resources and information about your workmates.
  • Having a quick call on Skype (or on other tools) is better than just chatting.
  • Screen sharing is a must to achieve a shared understanding about what you are discussing with another person.
  • Practice on how you can effectively express yourself. The goal is you want to be understood clearly when you speak.
  • Be part of the community.  Connect with people.

Recommended Practices for Great Online Meetings

  • Make sure you have a good internet connection
  • Saying “yes”, “no”, “uh-huh”, “hmmm”, “I see”, “I understand” really helps the conversation going.  These simple words replaces the non-verbal cues we don’t see when we are in voice-only meetings / calls.
  • Practice Active Listening
  • Get rid of distractions
  • If sharing video is possible, it would be great to see the people you are talking to
  • It is ok to ask for time to think before you share your thoughts

Utility Belt for Working Remotely

I also wrote a blog post about tools which help teams working remotely in being Agile.  This post provides more commentary on the different tools I have used.  Here is the post – One Tool to Rule Them All.